SuperGLUE: A Big Thank You!!!
We had an amazing half-day, in-person event that brought together clinicians, engineers, and point-of-care device developers for collaboration and networking. The in-depth keynote by Mara G. Aspinall covered unique insights and trends within the point-of-care diagnostic industry.
We are also proud to announce the winners of our pitch competition:
Charles “Chuck” Henry, Burst Diagnostics (1st place)
Danae Rammos, Qualitic Biotechnology (2nd place)
Nathalya Mamane, RT MicroDx (2nd place)
Special thanks to the Georgia Tech HomeLab team for organizing and presenting the engaging usablity breakout sessions, and to Erika Tyburski for sharing her vast regulatory knowledge during the Regulatory breakout sessions. Finally, we want to recognize the entire ACME POCT team who put in many hours to coordinate and bring this event together, your work is appreciated!
About SuperGlue
SuperGLUE is an annual event organized by the Atlanta Center for Engineered Point of Care Technologies (ACME POCT) that brings together clinicians, engineers, and POC device end users annually for a half day in-person networking and brainstorming conference. This event is designed to create an atmosphere of open cross-pollination discussions to cultivate collaborations and innovations within the POC technology space toward meeting the most important clinical as well as end user needs. The series provides opportunities for clinicians to “pitch a problem” in their areas of specialty to engineers and for engineers to “teach a technology” to clinicians to showcase the potential utility and application of some of the most innovative and promising technologies for POC use.
SuperGLUE Resoruces
Keynote Video: Mara G. Aspinall
Event Photos
Mara G. Aspinall and ACME PIs
Greg Martin, Wilbur Lam, and Eric Vogel
Usability Breakout Session
Eric Vogel, David Gottfriend
Human Factors Breakout
Stacy Heilman
Pitch Judges: Mara Espinall, Eric Vogel, Wilbur Lam
Pitch Finalist: Nathalya Mamane
Pitch Finalist: Danae Rammos
Happy Hour
Erika Tyburski (Regulatory Breakout)
Eric Vogel, Chuck Henry (1st place)
HomeLab team
David Ku and Wilbur Lam ( judges)
Michael Mina (Q&A)
Morgan Greenleaf (Pitch Host)
Michael Mina (Regulatory Breakout)
Pitch Finalist: Ethan Damiani